DeWine Releases RecoveryOhio’s Annual Review

Gov. Mike DeWine recently released the 2021 RecoveryOhio annual review, which gives an overview of the work that RecoveryOhio has done in the areas of prevention, treatment, and mental health and substance use.

The RecoveryOhio initiative and Advisory Council were created in 2019 in an effort by the DeWine administration to improve how the state addresses mental health and substance use disorders.

“I am proud of the efforts underway to help those who are struggling, but more work remains to be done,” DeWine said in a statement. “My administration, RecoveryOhio, and the RecoveryOhio Advisory Council are committed to addressing the behavioral health needs in this state so that every Ohioan can live up to their God-given potential. I am confident that through our continued collective and holistic efforts, Ohio can lead the nation in recovery and behavioral health services and support."

The council has issued more than 70 recommendations in the areas of stigma, parity, workforce development, prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery supports, and data and outcomes measurement, DeWine said.

The 2021 review highlights a few different initiatives of RecoveryOhio, including the following:

- The statewide “Beat the Stigma” campaign. This was the first recommendation in the council’s initial report released in 2019. RecoveryOhio partnered with Ohio Opioid Education Alliance in November 2021 to launch the campaign designed to reduce stigma surrounding mental illness and substance use disorder and better educate Ohioans about treatment.

- enCompass training. Formed through RecoveryOhio's partnership with the Addiction Policy Forum and the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, this training is open to all adults and is designed to be a resource for family members who are helping loved ones through their addiction into recovery. The 8-hour program covers the signs and symptoms of addiction, how to start the conversation, how to set boundaries, how to access recovery supports, and more. Like CPR classes, this course is designed to help citizens build skills to better respond to someone in crisis.

- Overdose Strike Team. Established in 2020, this team works on strengthening the state’s relationships with local groups, including local alcohol, drug and mental boards; providers; health departments; first responders and law enforcement; the recovery community; and faith-based and grassroots organizations.

- OneOhio Recovery Foundation. When fully established, the foundation will distribute a portion of the millions of dollars in settlement funds obtained from the lawsuit against drug manufacturers, though it has come under criticism for lack of transparency. In August, Harm Reduction Ohio filed a suit against the foundation, alleging violation of state sunshine laws. However, developments reported at this week’s meeting of the foundation include the hiring of a director and chief financial officer, the naming of committee chairs and the adoption of the code of regulations including a policy on transparency and gifts. (See The Hannah Report, 8/9/22, 8/10/22, 9/14/22.)

Find the full review at>Important Documents & Notices>Library.

Story originally published in The Hannah Report on September 19, 2022.  Copyright 2022 Hannah News Service, Inc.